Wide Load, Comin’ Through…

Hey there! Emily once again, invading your Internet space. But to be fair, you clicked on this link, so…you invited me. I’m happy to be here with you. :)

Here’s a question for today.  No—for this year. Actually, for the century!

Why tie yourself down to only one or two book genres when there are so many waiting for you to discover them?!

Me? I like a wide load—a broad sweep of the book world. A great gathering of all topics from afar. A treasure hunt for brilliant, curious, intriguing words everywhere! So one of my favorite things to do is go to bookstores (a given) and explore titles I might not otherwise read. And then I start reading. I’ll share my latest findings with you right here, right now. Just in case you, too, want to expand your book exploration efforts.

I’ve got some psychology books on the stack…

Some poetry…

A few children’s books…

Non-fiction and true stories…

Always more than a few travel books…

Just for fun books…

Nature-y books…

And cultural books because has anyone even scratched the surface of the incredible cultures on this planet?!

Add a dash of fantasy to the stack and it all magically gets stored in my brain. Somewhere. Sometimes I can’t find it, but that’s another topic for another day. Too wide for this day. :)


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