Stop Right There! 7 Ways to Find Inspiration Right Where You Are

Emily here!

Right now, you are staring—maybe blankly—at your computer or phone screen and what you need to do is give your eyes something much more inspiring. Go ahead. Take a break from reading. I’ll wait. This is important.

See anything good?

My guess is…yes. There’s great stuff all around you. Maybe you’re reading this post in an airport. In the carpool line. In a doctor’s office. At work while you should be working.  You could be in a line, in a restaurant, fighting insomnia in a dark room, sitting on your couch. Wherever you are, there’s inspiration, I promise.

Did you just say “Yeah, right?”. I heard that. Challenge accepted.

You can find inspiration right where you are, and I will show you how, whether you’re sitting, standing, lying, or flying.

 Here we go.

Inspiration To-Do List #1: Live life

Nicole and I find inspiration in the people, places, things, and ideas that are props in our very ordinary daily lives.  So…just live.

So far, so good.

Inspiration To-Do List #2: Look Around

We get used to seeing our surroundings and we stop looking at the details. But look at the details!  Cool cloud formations, the shapes shadows make on the wall, the scenery out the window, the guy walking his three-legged dog, the billboards, the way the sun shines on the landscape and hints at a new season.    We all carry phones that are ready and eager to snap photos of all the cool things we see in a given day. Use that camera! It’s not like it’s the days of yore when you had to ration your film. See something cool, snap a photo.

Inspiration To-Do List #3: Read

Read widely. I’m talking novels, online articles, email newsletters, your old journals, poetry, picture books, religious texts, and anything and everything you come across that is interesting.  Sometimes, it only takes a word to spark a thought. HINT: Sign up for newsletters from your favorite authors (hint, hint, hint), websites, organizations, and institutions. The information and inspiration will come right to your inbox.

Inspiration To-Do List #4: Listen to podcasts.

Podcast hosts are always trying to dig up new and exciting information, so let them do the hard work for you. Easy. Listening is a great way to spend a commute or pass the time while folding laundry.  I have heard some crazy ideas on my favorite podcasts (Hidden Brain) that set my mind spinning and whip up creativity. (Side effect warning: Nicole's favorite podcasts have her questioning everyone and everything. Shout out to Crime Junkies.)

Inspiration To-Do List #5: Eavesdrop.

Listen to conversations around you while waiting in line at the grocery store or at Disneyland.  While you’re on public transportation. While you’re in class. Wherever there are people talking, collect interesting tidbits of conversation.


Inspiration To-Do List #6: Ask questions.

People are treasure chests of experience—most likely experiences you’ve never had. Ask questions and get to know people’s stories. You’ll be shocked and fascinated, I guarantee it.

Inspiration To-Do List #7: Listen to music.

Song lyrics tell stories in under five minutes (usually). Focus on the words instead of the music and let your mind wander.

Now…stay right there and get inspired.



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