Nick reaches for my hand, pulling me behind him, my legs stiff, ready to run in another direction—anywhere that’s not here. But I have to stay and pretend Nick matters to me, just like I’ve been pretending in my texts to him.

I follow him through the dining room to his table where he pulls out my chair. I slide into it, the wood hard and unyielding, swallowing fear and disgust as he sits across from me. The flame of the flickering candle on the table bends in his breeze, throwing sharp shadows on his face.

Ya Ting glances at me and my eyes never leave hers as she gives a weak smile and sets down water glasses before taking our orders. I will her to see my desperation to get away, but Nick’s attention is fixed on my face like a set of claws piercing sensitive skin. He’s going to peel me open, put slashes in me that leak all I’ve hidden from him. But maybe he’ll see how empty I am and realize I’m not worth his time.

Ya Ting leaves and I try to think of any excuse to call her back, but Nick’s attention digs in deeper, clawing at nerves, and I almost dare him to rip me open, but he throws a beaming smile at me like a blade, severing my thoughts.

“Tell me everything I missed while I was gone.”

I stare into the dark holes that are his eyes. Does he not remember what he did to me? Is he going to say nothing about his guys following me? Hurting Marcus?

I dig my nails into my thigh under the table. “Umm…Just homework and restaurant.” My restless hands go to my fork, and I rub the handle until my fingertip burns.

“And that’s exactly why I will get you out of San Francisco. You’ll experience something new and exciting. In fact,” He pulls his phone from his pocket and clicks it on, swiping the screen. “I showed Chef Torres a few pictures of your creations and she was impressed.” He flashes me a picture of a French Asian fusion recipe I made up a few months ago. When I thought my future was straightforward. Back when I wasn’t afraid of Nick.  Or aware that Marcus and happiness could be part of my life.

“She said she’d love to see more from you.”

I press my lips together and force them into a wobbly smile. “Wow. That’s great.” If only my heartache and fear would let some excitement through.

He leans toward me. “It takes a lot to impress her, but I think I managed to.” He leans back, folding his arms over his chest. “And it’s only going to get better. I found us an apartment in L.A. with unbelievable views, brand new, best of the best. All it’s missing is you.”

I swallow and glance at the tablecloth, hoping to find a response written on it but he squeezes my hand and I look up at him. My emotions are no longer rooted, and words fly past them. “It sounds amazing, but I’m not sure I’m ready for all that and…I don’t know, I just—”

“You’re just confused. Nick tilts his head. “That’s the natural consequence of playing house with the detective’s son.”

Nick Chao