Farewell, Writerland: Our Safe Arrival in Authorland

Goodbye, Slush pile!  

See you never, ever again, Dreadful Synopsis! Really—we wish you the very best, just…with someone else.

Bon voyage, queries and agent rejections and obsessive inbox refreshing, and "Someday" because Someday came on December 22, 2022!

On Someday, Nicole and I signed a publishing contract with Monster Ivy Publishing. A dream? Yes. Indeed. So, so indeed. A twelve-year brew of hopes and dreams and wishes and anticipation and sweat. So much emotional sweat, and if you think actual sweat is unsavory, just become a writer and experience the flop sweat that happens in your brain when you attempt Authorhood.

But we’ve never been afraid of a little emotional sweat! Oh no—we immersed ourselves in it and navigated all the prickly, slimy, sharp obstacles to land on the Shores of Publication, solid soil beneath our feet, a whole new adventurous world to explore and tame. And tame we shall!

To all aspiring authors, no matter how long your travels upon the seas of Emotional Sweat, we say: “Authorland, ahoy!” Do you see it in the not-so-far distance? Look a little harder, squint, focus, and you will.  It’s there, and we’ll wait on shore with all our imaginary book friends and anticipate your arrival. Keep going toward Authorland.

Someday it will come for you, too.


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